8 Tuas Avenue 2 Jurong Town
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The RT60 Calculator was developed based on a set of calculations and by estimating the reverberation time, RT60 of a given space. The calculator was assembled with the greatest possible care by ROCKWOOL Asia. All calculations were essentially based on Sabire equation and with the use of available absorption coefficient of the materials for surface finish(es). The user of this program accepts the following conditions. The user is exclusively responsible for the correctness of the input of data into this calculation program. The user is aware that theoretical values can deviate from those occuring in practice. ROCKWOOL Asia does not warrant the correctness of (the outcome of) any calculations and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages or any other damages whatsoever incurred by the user or third party resulting from the use of this calculation program or loss of data. ROCKWOOL Asia reserves all rights (including copyright and other intellectual property rights) in respect of all information offered through this calculation program,including the software, the product name Safe 'n' Silent Pro and related specifications.